Texas hip-hop scene has long been a crucible for innovation and raw talent.

Texas is not just experiencing a rise in temperatures; it’s becoming the hotbed of hip-hop’s newest and most fiery talents. With artists like That Mexican OT and BigXthaPlug leading the charge, the Lone Star State is ablaze with fresh sounds and stories. Their unique blend of Southern hip-hop and Chicano rap, coupled with tales of resilience and ambition, is not just heating up the local scene but is also casting a warm glow on the national music landscape. Texas’s heat is not just meteorological—it’s musical, and it’s setting the stage for a revolution in rhythm and rhyme.


Texas music scene is vibrant and diverse, with artists like BigXthaPlug making significant waves. BigXthaPlug, a Dallas native, has rapidly become a prominent figure in Texas street rap, thanks to his unique blend of charisma, storytelling, and a deep, resonant voice. His journey into music began under challenging circumstances, transitioning from a life of hardship and legal troubles to one of artistic expression and success. His early career saw him multitasking between his responsibilities and his passion, even using his interactions in a makeshift hotel room trap house to gather feedback on his initial songs. This grassroots approach to his music career has paid off, with tracks like “Texas” and “Whip It” achieving viral status and millions of streams​​.

In Houston, BigXthaPlug performed at Warehouse Live Midtown on August 17, 2023, showcasing his connection to the city’s vibrant music scene​​. His presence in the city reflects Houston’s importance as a hub for live music and the arts, hosting a variety of events and performances across genres.

For those interested in the dynamic intersections of rap, personal triumph, and the Texan music scene, BigXthaPlug represents a compelling story of transformation and success through adversity. His work not only resonates with fans in Texas but also signals his rising influence on the national stage.

Mexican OT

That Mexican OT, born Virgil René Gazca on February 2, 1999, in Bay City, Texas, has established himself as a notable figure in the music industry, especially within the genres of Southern Hip Hop and Chicano rap. Following a challenging childhood marked by personal losses and hardships, Gazca found solace and expression through music, adopting the stage name That Mexican OT, which stands for “Outta Texas.” His career began to gain momentum with the release of several mixtapes in the early 2020s, showcasing his unique blend of rap styles and regional flavors​​.

2023 was a pivotal year for That Mexican OT with the release of his major-label debut album, “Lonestar Luchador,” which includes the hit single “Johnny Dang.” The album and single garnered significant attention, with “Johnny Dang” achieving a spot on the Billboard Hot 100 and amassing millions of streams across various platforms. His music often blends traditional hip-hop with elements of his Texan and Mexican heritage, creating a unique sound that resonates with a wide audience​​.

Continuing his momentum into 2024, That Mexican OT released the single “02.02.99,” marking his first solo release since his album “Lonestar Luchador.” This single aims to build upon his previous successes by showcasing his lyrical prowess and distinctive style​​. Furthermore, his collaboration with DaBaby on the single “Point Em Out” has been making waves, featuring a music video that pays homage to the iconic film “Pulp Fiction” and showcases the duo’s slick-talking skills​​.

That Mexican OT’s journey from facing life’s adversities to becoming a rising star in the music industry is a testament to his resilience, talent, and the vibrant cultural influences that shape his artistry. His work not only highlights his personal growth but also enriches the landscape of modern hip-hop with his unique voice and perspective.

“The Texas hip-hop scene has long been a crucible for innovation and raw talent, and the emergence of new stars only adds to its rich legacy. Artists like That Mexican OT and BigXthaPlug are not just redefining the sound of Southern hip-hop but are also embodying the spirit of Texas itself—bold, resilient, and endlessly creative. Their stories, from overcoming personal adversities to making significant impacts on the charts, spotlight the relentless drive and diverse narratives that fuel the genre. As they carve their paths, they’re not just capturing the attention of listeners nationwide; they’re ensuring that the Lone Star State remains at the forefront of the hip-hop conversation, blazing trails for future generations to follow.” – EVO